
Friday, October 1, 2010

The Law of Germination

This law says whatever is planted requires some time before it comes to
fruition. `Every idea, everything you plant, requires a certion action, a
certain amount of time before the outcome is realized. You need to sow your
ideas, allow them to germinate, give them lots of energy and then you will
reap the rewards. The only way something will grow is if it receives energy.
You have to apply a lot of energy, but be patient. You'll get what you
choose, but you must give it some time. Sometimes people become impatient
when they want to acquire higher incomes. If it dosn't happen for them in
the first couple of days of couple of weeks, they give up. They quit. It
didn't work because they misunderstood the law of germantion. You cant force
things to happen. If you plant a carrot, it's not going to do you any good
to sit there and, as the little shoot comes through the ground, try to yank
it a little bit every day. That isn't going to make the carrot grow any
faster. What you often have to do with some of these ideas, especially these
wealth-building ideas, is relax and let them take their course. It will
happen, it simply requires energy applied consistently over time. So keep
giving it energy and be patient. Remember, force negates. This is going to
require some thinking and some change and it is a process that will occur,
but you have to understand the law of germination.

Money Making Habits -

Most people know what they need to do to become wealthier. Most people know
their finances would be in better shape if they refused to buy on credit.
Most people understand the need to save a certain percentage of their income
for retirement or contingencies. Most people know that if they watched less
television they would have more time to generate income. once these habits
become a part of your lifestyle, you will be on your way to financial

Suggested Money Making Habits

- Read a postive, personal development book for 30 minutes per day.
- Plan the next day before you quit for today.
- Listen to an instructional audio tape in your car.
- Watch sixty fewer minutes of television.
- Refuse to gossip. Speak positively of others.
- Write a Thank You note to someone every day.
- Save 10% of your income.
- Refuse to buy anything on a credit card for which you canot pay cash.
- Create one MSI(Multiple Souece of Income) per month.
= Attent a mastermind group once a month.
- Work on your goals every day.
- Take a sucessful person to lunch every month.
- Find a mentor and do what he/she says.
- Start a date night with your spouse.
- Write one page per day of your novel.
- Exercise to relive stress.
- Read a book about selling.
- Do something kind for someone every day.
- smile.


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