
Friday, June 5, 2009

Discover How Your Mind Works

You are the most incredible gift that has come on this earth! I have not come to teach or lead - but perhaps I have come - to cause you to remember something that maybe you forgot! So far, here are some of the things we have chosen in our life.

You have fallen in love with sound - Why not silence?

You have fallen in love with war - why not Peace?

You have fallen in love with sickness - why not health?

You have fallen in love with poverty - why not abundance?

You have fallen in love with discord - why not harmony?

You have fallen in love with loneliness - why not fulfillment?

You have fallen in love with confusion - why not clarity?

You have fallen in love with sadness - why not joy?

You have fallen in love with envy - why not admiration?

You have fallen in love with prejudices - why not understanding!

You have fallen in love with doubt - why not prayer?

You have fallen in love with the emptiness of yesterday and tomorrow - why not the fullness of now?


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