
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Signs of Someone Falling in Love

Love is a weird thing - it can happen gradually or hit you fast and furiously. If you feel as if you are falling in love, you might be wondering what exactly are the signs of someone falling in love? Well, in this article, I will provide you with some signs that you are indeed falling in love. Let's begin.

Do you think about them all the time?

You may be in love with someone if you think about them all the time. If you cannot focus on anything else, and all you want to do is spend time with them, you may just be in love. All relationships start out with energy and lust, but if that doesn't die down, you may be in love. There is a saying that says” you'll just know when you are in love” and that couldn't be more true.

Does everything remind you of them?

If anything and everything reminds you of them, you may just be in love. You have spent so much time with them that anything you see and do you can relate to your significant other. You could be at a restaurant with friends of family and somebody says anything and it will remind you of your significant other. This is a big sign that you are either obsessed, or are starting to fall in love.

Do you care more about your appearance when they're around?

If you suddenly start caring more than ever about your appearance, you may just be in love. You could have cared about it in the past, but now you make sure that your looks are perfect. You obviously want to make sure that you are making a good impression, therefore you may just be falling in love with that person. You are definitely in love with the relationship!

Would you rather be with them instead of friends?

Not hanging out with your friends is not as appealing anymore. If you want to spend all of your free time with your significant other, you may just be in love. Don't bail on your friends though, as relationships come and go, but friends will last forever. If you would rather spend any free time that you have with your significant other, you may be in love.

Are you hooked and not interested in other people?

One of the biggest signs of being in love is that you do not look at the opposite sex like you used to anymore. If you do not find yourself looking at others the way you used to, or go out looking to meet someone, you are probably in love. When the only other person that matters to you is your significant other, you are in love.

As you can see, there are many signs of someone falling in love. If you have any of the above, it could very well be that you are in love. Either way, enjoy those feelings and let them grow.

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